About us
St Luke’s is the Church of England on Highwoods.
So where is St Luke’s? The answer is, everywhere really! Every church is primarily about the people who are part of it rather than the building they happen to meet in, and that’s especially true in St Luke’s case. That’s because, unlike most churches, we don’t have a church building of our own – so really St Luke’s is wherever the people who are belong to it happen to be.
Since we began in 1992, we’ve always hired community buildings in which to hold services and other events, and that is still the case today. When St Luke’s began, services were held at Highwoods Primary School, but now most of what we do takes place at St John’s and Highwoods Community Centre (near Tesco’s, and just behind Lighters newsagents and Dazzle dry cleaners). It’s where our main service takes place at 10.15am every Sunday morning, but also where we run a range of other events and activities, which you can read more about on this website.
​In October 2012 St Luke’s became independent from our ‘mother church’ St John’s through the creation of the new parish of St Luke’s, Highwoods, simultaneously celebrating our 20th anniversary of being planted. This was an important affirmation of the growth we have seen over the years and recognition of the importance of St Luke’s taking full responsibility for our own church life.
St Luke’s is a church made of people of different ages, different backgrounds, different experiences, and we aim to be a church that welcomes everyone. Our services are lively and informal, with modern hymns and songs and talks that are relevant to everyday life. If you’d like to give us a try, please join us any Sunday where we would love to meet to you. We structure our church life around ‘Missional Communities.’ The church is not just ‘church’ when it meets on Sundays, but is also ‘church’ when it meets in small groups at other times – which we call Missional Communities. Meeting in a community centre means that our focus is very much on the church as people – rather than a building.
If you have any comments or questions, it would be great to hear from you. Please feel free to get in touch on 598234 or by e-mail at hannah@stlukescolchester.org.uk.