Donate to the Parish Weekend
The PCC would like all members of St Luke’s and St Mark’s to be part of our Parish Weekend. To encourage and facilitate this, the prices for the weekend are lower than the actual costs of running the weekend. If you are able and would like to give an additional voluntary contribution to cover the full cost or to enable others to attend who may not be able to cover the cost for themselves , there is an optional and confidential opportunity to do this.
If you wish to make a one off donation by direct direct debit or debit/credit card please just click the button below:
There is a small cost to the church for paying by debit/credit card.
If you wish to donate by free faster payment - please can you arrange to credit our bank account as follows.
Name: St Luke's PCC Colchester
Sort Code : 405240
Account Number : 00096996
Reference: Please include the main bookers name and Parish Weekend
If you have any questions please contact us at:
Gift Aid - don't forget that of you are a UK tax payer you can Gift Aid any donations - we then receive an additional 25% on your giving. Let us know you are a tax payer when donating via ChurchSuite or we will send you details if giving via other means (unless you already donate to St Lukes and we will already have any relevant Gift Aid Form.
Thank you